Guest Bedroom # 2
Guest Bedroom # 3
Guest Bedroom # 4
Beac Club 93
Cilento Coast


"It's like a god, here, he had built with huge stone blocks his house"

Friedrich Nietzsche

Established by Sibari Greeks around 600 B.C. with the name of Poseidon, the sea god Poseidon, Paestum was one of the richest and most flourishing Greek colonies of southern Italy. The fall of Sybaris by the Crotonesi in 510 BC was the first flourishing time for Poseidon: the sybaritic survivors brought in the new colony all their wealth, it built three temples still visible today. Occupied by Luciani, later he lived a period of decline after which, in 273 BC, it became a Roman colony under the name of Paestum.

Roma inglobò Paestum nel suo nascente impero: rifiorirono attività economiche e culturali e sorsero nuovi edifici pubblici come l’anfiteatro, il foro e il ginnasio, ancora oggi parte della visita agli scavi archeologici. Intorno al VII sec. d.C., la realizzazione di nuove strade per il commercio in Oriente, epidemie di malaria e scorrerie di pirati Saraceni segnarono l’inizio del suo declino. Dal 1991 il Parco Archeologico di Paestum, nel comune di Capaccio, è patrimonio dell’UNESCO.

Cilento Coast


"And now the olive trees have a halo of light around the leaves, like the saints. Now the mountains flanking we go back and forth, and some go standing on the water, and others, prostrate, flattened, are extended in prayer towards the water [...]. "

Giuseppe Ungaretti, The miraculous catch

Dichiarato dall’UNESCO Patrimonio dell’Umanità, il Cilento è una subregione montuosa situata nella parte meridionale della provincia di Salerno, tra i golfi di Salerno e di Policastro. I primi insediamenti umani di cui si abbia riscontro risalgono al Paleolitico medio e al Neolitico. I Sibariti, discendenti degli Achei, fondarono Poseidonia, divenuta poi Paestum in epoca romana; nello stesso periodo, i Focesi provenienti dall’Asia Minore fondarono Elea, oggi Velia. Quest’ultima ospiterà la Scuola Eleatica di filosofia di Senofane e quella medica, da cui trasse origine l’importante Scuola Medica Salernitana.

The Cilento coast is known for its natural beauty and for the unquestionable quality of bathing waters every year, many places of the coast are rewarded by several environmental groups. In 1997, with a recognition by UNESCO, the Cilento has joined the prestigious network of Biosphere Reserves of the MAB (Man and Biosphere): it is about 350 protected areas across the planet, in order to protect biodiversity and promote the development compatible between nature and culture.

Cilento Coast


From the Amalfi Coast wonders to the nuances of the Blue Grotto of Capri.

From the Amalfi Coast wonders to the nuances of the Blue Grotto of Capri. Timeless enchantment of the city of Pompeii to the Falls of Venus Hair.

Tourist destinations of Campania are truly endless. Discover them all, choose as a starting point, the Savoy Beach Hotel!

Top Ten 10 locations to visit in Campania



20 miles

Baia Infreschi

45 miles

Isola dei Galli

15 miles

Punta Licosa

10 miles


70 km


42 miles

Casaletto Spartano

40 km

the Temples of Paestum

0 km